- Certificate of Registration (if it is used from abroad)
- Foreign registration
- Certificate from ODDY (if it is a vehicle sold by ODDY)
- Licence or Identity
- Type-approvals (in case of modifications or modifications of the vehicle)
- Complete and valid pharmacy
- Existing Fire Extinguisher
- Triangle
Visual Audits
- Vehicle ID (chassis and engine number, license plates)
- Windshield and glazing inspection
- Check body, doors and bumpers
- Color control, towbar, spoiler, membranes
- Control of lights and electrical equipment
- Mirror check
- Check wheels, tires and spare wheel
- Engine check
- Battery and electrical installation status check
- Brake system control (brake pump, hydraulic system, servo mechanism)
- Steering system control (power steering pump, piping)
- Cabin control (steering wheel, odometer reading, seat belts, seats, horn)
- Check other equipment (fire extinguisher, triangle, pharmacy)
Exhaust gas control
Protecting the environment and trying to reduce air pollution is an issue for all drivers. In order to control vehicle emissions, the state has established emission limits that must be checked every six (6) or twelve (12) months and each vehicle must carry the Exhaust Control Card. This test is performed via an exhaust gas analyzer for petrol and LPG vehicles and an exhaust meter for diesel vehicles.
Convergence-Deviation control
Convergence-divergence control is a test of utmost importance. Maintaining the straight course of a vehicle is synonymous with passenger safety but also with the longevity of the vehicle subsystems and components. An unintentional change of course can have fatal consequences.
Finally, a vehicle that deviates from the straight line wears the tire tread unevenly and strains the arms and joints of its steering system.
The convergence-deviation measurement of a vehicle is performed through an instrument called a convergence meter.
Light Control
Proper operation of the lights of a vehicle ensures clarity in our field of vision, early warning of other drivers for a possible change of course or our sudden deceleration. Also the lights determine the position of our vehicle on the road at night.
During the technical inspection, the operation of all the lights of the vehicle is checked as well as the operation of the control switches of the above. The test is performed visually by the controller but also with the help of an instrument called a photometer.
At this stage it is checked:
- The correct operation
- The right coloring
- The intensity of the lights
- The correct aiming of lights
Braking System Check
The control of the braking system is one of the most important areas of the technical control, as the brakes of the vehicle we drive are the subsystem through which we can reduce its speed and immobilize it. The correct operation of the braking system is checked with the help of modern equipment by measuring the following sizes:
- Maximum braking force
It is the maximum power that the brakes of our vehicle can develop. This force to be able to immobilize our vehicle must be equal to or greater than 75% of the total weight of the vehicle. - One-way braking
In order for our vehicle to maintain its straight and desired course, the forces developed on the left and right wheels of each axle must not differ by more than 30% - Variation of braking forces
The damage caused to the braking system of a vehicle with its daily use is not uniform. As a result, when the brake pedal is applied, the force developed on each wheel is not constant but fluctuates. The maximum permissible power fluctuation limit on each individual wheel is 20%.
The excellent condition of our vehicle braking system is extremely important. In addition to the possibility of immobilizing the vehicle in case of emergency and the smooth deceleration without deviating from our course. The smooth behavior of the vehicle during deceleration at turns and at high speeds is ensured.
Suspension System Check
The suspension system is the device that connects the car frame to the wheels. The purpose of the post is to ensure comfort to passengers, to ensure constant contact of wheels with road and stability along the way and to reduces stress of the various parts of the car from vibrations through the damping of oscillations by ground irregularities.
A suspension system in good condition has significant benefits for the driver, passengers, but also for the car itself. It offers safety and stability along the way transmitting all the required road information to the driver and allowing easy and safe reversal of turns. It largely absorbs the irregularities of the road resulting in the comfortable movement of passengers, the safe transport of the desired load, but also the protection of the body from intense stress. For these reasons, the safety and comfort of driving any car requires periodic monitoring of the condition of each wheel suspension system.
The main elements of the suspension are the springs and the oscillation damper (shock absorber). The springs are the elastic link between the body and the wheels and oscillate in any uneven ground, while the damper serves to dampen these oscillations.
The test performed evaluates the suspension system of each wheel individually. The measurement is made during a free oscillation of each wheel, which comes from the oscillating special plates of the shock absorber, and consists in calculating the minimum adhesion of the wheel on the plate in%.
The sizes considered are the following:
- Adhesion of each wheel
Traction must not be less than 21% for the car to move safely. - One-sided traction on the same axle
The traction of the wheels on the same axle must not differ by more than 30% by reducing the difference in the measured value of the largest traction.